March 4, 2014
Today after his session, the speech therapist said that she wanted us to work with Isaac on 'ing' words and getting him to use them correctly in context. So tonight after his shower, as I was getting him out of the tub; I started jumping up and down. I prompted him by saying, "what is mommy doing"? He repeated the question back to me (as he always does) and giving him another prompt, I said, "mommy is..." and left the statement open for him to finish. His response made me laugh but it also blessed me. Isaac said "praising".
I laughed because I was going for and expecting him to say "jumping". His response blessed me because it allowed me to see that although time is filled with swift transition; when my child sees me, he sees PRAISE!
God thank you for reminding me that we live and move and have our being because of Your Spirit! Thank you for reminding me that in ALL THINGS, we should give praise because You are worthy of ALL PRAISE. We thank you for being a promise keeper and for your faithfulness to us. I thank you for using my child to remind to praise.