The Full Life Study Bible's study notes say this about Romans 5:5}
Christians experience the love of God (i.e., God's love for believers) in their hearts through the Holy Spirit, especially in times of trouble. The verb "poured out" is a present perfect tense in the indicative mood, expressing an existing condition from a prior action, i.e., the Spirit continues to flood our hearts with love. It is this ever-present experience of God's love that sustains us in sufferings and assures us that our hope for future glory is not illusory. Christ's return for us is sure.When I think about the power of Christ's death on Calvary and the significance of the Holy Spirit to the believer; I can't help but get excited and (in the face of adversity) encouraged! Not only did Jesus' blood save us "from wrath through him" (verse 9), but we also "received the atonement" or "reconciliation" (verse 11). In other words, Grace and Mercy!!! This is good news for a parent praying for a prodigal child.
Lord, thank you for the reminder that what Jesus did on the cross cannot be undone! After all these years, the blood still has miraculous, saving POWER! The blood reaches where we cannot be in the flesh. Therefore, we plead the blood over our sons/daughters right now. As Jesus died for us while we were still powerless; we contend, in faith, for our children but with the POWER of the blood and the Holy Spirit. We rejoice in knowing that goodness and mercy shall follow our children all the days of their lives. In Jesus name, Amen!
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