"Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered." 1 Peter 3:7 (KJV)
A lot of women want to point out the last part of the above scripture, citing that the husband's prayers will be hindered when/if he's not giving honour to the wife. But why is the wife worthy of honour? The scripture also says that the husband and wife are "heirs TOGETHER of the grace of life", so in order to be an heir, the wife also has some requirements. Verse 6 says that "Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord..." I know I probably lost a lot of you right there! If we go back to the start of the chapter...to verse 1 of 1 Peter, chapter 3; it's spelled out. When wives submit to their husbands, with a pure heart and out of reverence (first to God), then to the husband; the bible says that the husband may "be won over without words by the behavior of their wives". All the wife has to do, is seek God, pray, keep her peace and let God do the rest.
And while you're at it ladies, pray that your husband grows spiritually. Not that he becomes a preacher or starts hosting bible study every week (and there's nothing wrong with that either), but you want his spiritual growth to be authentic and genuine. You want his spiritual growth to be based on application of God's word in his life and a real relationship with God. This spiritual growth may be hindered, if your husband's emotional growth is stunted.
A lot of men, especially African American men, are emotionally immature. I'm not saying that in a judgmental way, but moreso because men were boys that were taught to stifle their emotions or let them rage. Most men were never taught to process or even better explore their emotions. As a result, their emotions are cocooned until a trauma rips them from incubation prematurely, struggling to recover. When they show up again, it's usually in a relationship with a woman who is expecting more than he has the capacity to give. This is why praying for your husband's emotional growth is important. You want his emotional growth to begin with healing the hurt and trauma of the past. You want his emotional growth to be healthy and thrive, so that you can grow emotionally together and enjoy one another physically.
Lord, we lift up our husbands to You and ask that You draw them nearer. We pray that they desire a closer walk with thee. Help us to be sensitive to the hurt in their past that is manipulating their interactions with us now. We pray for a renewing of their minds with regard to their physical health and that they present their bodies as a living sacrifice to You. In Jesus name, Amen!