Wednesday, October 28, 2020


In every relationship there are at least two people.  That means there will always be two sides to everything.  Before you constantly point the finger at the other person and determine that he/she is the one that's wrong, you must examine yourself, your role in every issue and most importantly, your brokenness.  If you truly want to mend the broken pieces, start with you and your part!  Today's prayer, though six (6) years old, is right on time.  FIX IT JESUS!!!

A MOMENT OF PRAYER - written by The Honorable Kimberly Cocroft, October 28, 2014

Good morning, Father! Thank you for this opportunity and privilege of prayer and for allowing us to see another day!
This morning, we come before you lifting fractured and broken relationships. Some of us went into situations with the best of intentions and, for whatever reason, things fell apart. We said the wrong thing, we did the wrong thing, we talked too much, we didn't talk enough, we were selfish, we took people for granted, we weren't honest, we were disrespectful, we weren't ready to be or do what we said we could be or do - there is so much that went haywire. And now, many of us are left hurting, resentful, confused, disappointed, disenchanted, disengaged and unable to press past the pain. But your Word says that you heal the brokenhearted and bind up their wounds. Your Word declares that you are the Repairer of the Breach.
So today, God, we call on you to be the mender of shattered things. Work on us as we work on our relationships. Give us the courage and compassion to fix what we've messed up. Give us the humility to make things right, even if we've done nothing wrong. Give us the strength to move forward with a spirit of restoration and understanding. Make all things and situations new, in the name of The Lord.
Please continue to keep us and our babies safe from all hurt, harm and danger. We thank you for hearing this prayer and count all of these things as done in your Son's name - Amen! God is good! And don't forget - take the time to show love to someone on today. Life is short and time is precious!

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