Tuesday, March 8, 2016

My Flower

You're my flower.  I have tenderly watched over you since you were a tiny seed.  I've watered and nourished you.  I've been there through each day of your life, caring for you, providing your needs, and helping you through difficult times when the ground was dry or the sun was hot or those passing by stepped on your delicate petals and leaves.

I love the color of your petals and how they sparkle and shine when the dew of My love settles on them.  It makes My heart glad when you open your blossom to absorb the sunshine of My love and the warmth of My Spirit.  Keep soaking up the water of My Word so your leaves will stay green and healthy.  Keep opening up to the light and warmth of My sunshine, and keep absorbing My rays so your colors and fragrance can cheer others.

If fills Me with joy when I see you giving off that sweet fragrance that makes others happy, encouraging them and lifting their spirits.  You have so much to give, My little flower.

From Jesus with Love for Women

My favorite flower is the Lily.  I had them in my wedding bouquet, I love to receive them, I think they're beautiful and love the fact that there are several kinds of lilies.  They come in different shapes, sizes and colors.  "The Lily flower symbolizes purity and refined beauty.  Based on the color or type, the Lily flower can convey different meanings" (theflowerexpert.com).


When I read these words...calling me His flower, initially I didn't get it.  But then I searched for information about my favorite flower and it hit me.  HE CARES FOR ME!!!  If you think about the time, patience, love and effort it takes to grow flowers, you already know.  Not only do you have to make sure the flower has the proper nourishment; you have to protect the flower, you have to remove any weeds from around the flower, you even have to occasionally move the flower to ensure it has the proper climate to thrive.  SPEAK LORD!!!

Heavenly Father, thank you for calling me Your flower!  I see that You delight in me and have taken time to fuss over me so that I grow and produce and bring joy to those around me.  You have covered me and made sure that what I thought would kill me...DID NOT!  "When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell."  I've lost a few friends/weeds along the way in the pruning and purging process.  When I thought I knew better, You blocked it for what was best.  I am Your flower and I thank you for helping me see the bloom.  I lift my praise to You...let it be a sweet aroma to You.  Amen!  

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