Thursday, March 17, 2016

The effect of Parental Love...or lack thereof

Three years ago, after a series of tragic events; I was led to pray for children for a year.  It was challenging, exhausting and sometimes hard, but God blessed our obedience.  When I read the post from March 17, 2013, it blessed me all over again with a new revelation.

The post talked about what a parent should do when raising children.  Listed in the post was/is content from a wonderful article on Parents and Children in the Full Life Study Bible that say, "In bringing up their children, parents should show no favoritism, encourage as well as correct, punish only intentional wrongdoing, and dedicate their lives in love to their children with hearts of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience (Colossians 3:12-14)."  As I reflected on this post, I immediately thought; "what if a parent doesn't possess any of that to give"?  I'm referring to the compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.  Now I'm sure that you're probably saying, 'of course, a parent has that to give to their child, but I'm not talking about your typical parent.  I'm talking about your not-so-good parent.  The drug-addicted parent; The work-a-holic parent; The absent-because-I-missed-my-childhood-parent; The I-never-got-over-the-relationship-so-I'm-going-to-punish-you parent...any of these sound familiar?  Can you see how easy it would be for one of these ill-equipped parents to not have anything to give to their children?  Hence, the challenge we have with so many of our children and youth.  All you have to do is stand outside watching a group of young people playing basketball and there's bound to be cussing or fighting.  Those young people probably didn't receive a lot of kindness or patience.  As I go about my day in the school where I work; I see the children who have not received parental compassion, so it's no wonder they have none to give.  And let us not forget that the lack of kindness and gentleness undoubtedly breeds bullies to keep the cycle going.

We have to pray for those parents that are not equipped, for whatever reason, to raise and love their children.  When a child/young person doesn't receive the parental love that he/she needs, they end up being hurt people--who hurt, people...most likely your child or my child.

Dear Lord, we acknowledge that there are some parents who may not win 'Parent of the Year', but that's why we have You as the ultimate example.  We believe that even now, You can still renew and redeem those us how to love them and pray for them.  Thank you for Your grace and mercy that says every child, no matter who their parents are, has greatness inside of them.  Help us to see that greatness, pray for that greatness and cultivate that greatness.  In Jesus name, Amen!


  1. yes!!!! love this so much!!! The only thing that can break the never-ending cycle of family dysfunction is Jesus...and OHHHHH how He will redeem it! Preach, girl preach!!

  2. Writing down revelation is therapeutic and also evidence when you're able to look back and see what God has done. Thank you for loving and supporting me!
