Sunday, May 19, 2013

May 19 - Why we pray!

Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.  James 5:16 (KJV)

In the above scripture, the phrase that grabs me is "The effectual fervent..."  When I looked into the meaning of this phrase, this is what I found. 

The phrase is translated from the word energeō (en-er-ge'-ō) which, in context, means "does not have the force of an adj., but gives the reason why the δέησις (prayer) of a righteous man(woman) has outward success, as due to the fact that it exhibits it's activity ["works"] (inwardly), i.e. is solemn and earnest."  The word  energeō comes from the root word energēs (en-er-gā's) which the biblical usage simply means "active". 

Over the last week, hundreds of people prayed in agreement for a family that lost their son, brother, grandson, nephew, Kwesi Sample.  There was a great outpouring of love and support for the family to have peace, comfort and closure.  However, it was not until Momma Bear aka Raynette Lovingmybabies Cornish made her earnest plea for the saints to pray and that her son "come up" that the waters released him.  This mother personified scripture in every sense of the word because God recognized the "works" of her was an "active" prayer, "from a place a mother saves for her children".  There is indeed power in prayer!  The faith and strength of this family will undoubtedly be an opportunity for the gospel to go forth...and this is why we pray!

Thank you Lord for hearing and answering prayers!  We know that You will get the glory in all of this and we pray that you continue to hold us all in Your unfailing arms.  Let not our hearts be troubled because we believe in You.  In Jesus name, Amen!

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