Thursday, May 2, 2013

May 2

God's Word clearly instructs us:  "Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers.  For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness?"  (2 Corinthians 6:14)  That doesn't mean our children can never have a non believing friend.  But there is clear implication that their closest friends, ones to whom they have strong ties, should be believers.  (Power of a Praying Parent, Stormie Omartian)

I'm so glad that Ms. Omartian said, "that doesn't mean our children can never have a non believing friend" because occasionally I struggle with 'filtering' friends for my children, especially the younger ones.  I mean, who wants to tell their ten year old that he/she can't have a play date with another child because the child's dad smokes weed or because the child's mom cusses like a sailor.  What we do as protection, may come off as judgment to our children...and in reality, it's a very thin line between the two.

In verse 14 above, Paul refers to the OT Mosaic law that God gave to His people who were engaged in agriculture.  God told the people not to yoke together an oxen and an ass (donkey).  One was 'clean' and the other was 'unclean'.  I won't even go into the clean and unclean aspect but can you just get a visual of an ox and a donkey, connected at the neck, side by spiritual eye and mind tells me that this 'relationship' is not conducive to harmony and productivity!  See link below...

The interesting thing about what Paul says is that he uses being unequally yoked metaphorically because "the apostle is forbidding Christians to have intercourse with idolaters." (Thayer's Greek Lexicon).  This reference speaks to intimate, close relationships and strong ties that are not only forbidden, but also extremely challenging between believers and unbelievers.  "Therefore believers must not be in voluntary partnership or in intimate association with unbelievers, for such relationships can corrupt their relationship with Christ.  This includes partnership in business, secret orders (lodges), dating, marriage and close friendships.  A Christian's association with unbelievers should be only such as is necessary for social or economic existence, or to show unbelievers the way of salvation."  (Full Life Study Bible, Study Notes)

God we pray right now for the salvation and righteousness of the friends closest to our children.  If the friend is a believer, we pray that he/she be strengthened in Christ this very minute so that if/when our child needs to lean on him/her; this dear friend will be able to keep our son/daughter propped up!  If the friend is an unbeliever, let our child lift Jesus in a way that will allow the friend to see Christ and be drawn to Him.  The day will come when we may not be able to get to our child, but we take peace in knowing that our prayers for them being equally yoked with friends who are believers has been heard.   In Jesus name, Amen!

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