Obedience brings great security and the confidence of knowing you're where you're supposed to be, doing what you're supposed to do. The Bible promises that if we are obedient we will be blessed. We want our children to walk in obedience so that they will have confidence, security, long life, and peace. (Power of a Praying Parent, Stormie Omartian)
Saul was given instruction to attack the Amalekites and "totally destroy everything that belongs to them." Nothing and no one was to be spared...but Saul disobeyed. I Samuel 15:21-25 records, "Saul defended himself. “What are you talking about? I did obey God. I did the job God set for me. I brought in King Agag and destroyed the Amalekites under the terms of the holy ban. So the soldiers saved back a few choice sheep and cattle from the holy ban for sacrifice to God at Gilgal—what’s wrong with that?” 22-23 Then Samuel said, Do you think all God wants are sacrifices—empty rituals just for show? He wants you to listen to him! Plain listening is the thing, not staging a lavish religious production. Not doing what God tells you is far worse than fooling around in the occult. Getting self-important around God is far worse than making deals with your dead ancestors.
Because you said No to God’s command, he says No to your kingship. 24-25 Saul gave in and confessed, “I’ve sinned. I’ve trampled roughshod over God’s Word and your instructions. I cared more about pleasing the people. I let them tell me what to do. Oh, absolve me of my sin! Take my hand and lead me to the altar so I can worship God!”
"Obeying God's word from the heart is better than any outward form of worship, service or personal sacrifice" (The Full Life Study Bible, Study Notes). Our children learn about obedience by watching how we handle obedience and the way we handle them when they disobey. If our children see us disobeying they law by speeding; they may end up not respecting the law as well. If our children don't see us tithe or save our money; they may not grasp stewardship. If our children never witness us commit important decisions to prayer; they will most likely adopt the saying, 'Hakuna Matata' for their life. For our children to walk in obedience, the path should already be laid out for them by us.
Father God, help us to always obey Your word so that we will have the security of Your promises. Your word says "the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord...", so we pray right now that our steps are ordered in obedience and our children's steps are ordered in obedience. As our sons and daughters walk through this life, help them to know that even when they don't understand it, Your will is what's best for them. Give them the strength to obey so that they will experience the confidence, security and peace of being and doing what You've ordained for them to be and do. In Jesus name, Amen!
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