Monday, April 8, 2013

April 8

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.  This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.  For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all people. This has now been witnessed to at the proper time.  1Timothy 2:1-6 (NIV)

On Saturday, April 6, Rick Warren, the author of the multimillion-selling book "The Purpose Driven Life," said in an email to church staff that he and his wife had enjoyed a fun Friday evening with their son. But their son then returned home to take his life in "a momentary wave of despair."  Over the years, Matthew Warren had been treated by America's best doctors, had received counseling and medication and been the recipient of numerous prayers from others, his father said.  Matthew was 27.

For those of us in the faith, this news sent shock waves through our community and congregations.  After my initial thoughts of Pastor Warren and his wife Kay; I immediately thought about how the enemy might try and use something like this to attack Pastor Warren, his family and his ministry.  As I read some online articles; I could see that I wasn't too far off in my thinking based on comments made by some very ignorant people.

I always believed and was told that suicide was a sin almost as bad as blasphemy.  The reason being that if a person took his/her own life, that after the act was done; he/she could not ask forgiveness and therefore would have committed a sin  (in the last act of life) with no way for redemption.  Made sense then, but in light of this incident...I have so many questions and revelatory thoughts!

We sing, "Jesus paid it all" the scripture above from 1 Timothy, it says that Christ "gave himself as a ransom for all people".  I've heard many preachers proffer that while He was yet on the cross; "Jesus could have come down, but He decided to stay there for you and me" my pensive state; I wonder...was that not suicide?!?  Now please don't think I'm saying that Jesus committed suicide (I know somebody is already rebuking me).  I am well aware that Jesus was crucified at the hands of others, for the sins of others.  Vine's Expository Dictionary defines "ransom" in it's context as "provisionally universal, while being of a vicarious character."  It goes on to say  that "while the provision was universal, for Christ died for all men, yet it is actual for those only who accept God's conditions, and who are described in the Gospel statements as "the many." The giving of His life was the giving of His entire person, and while His death under Divine judgment was alone expiatory, it cannot be dissociated from the character of His life which, being sinless, gave virtue to His death and was a testimony to the fact that His death must be of a vicarious nature."  I understand this to say that once Jesus died for my sins, it is no longer necessary for me to physically die for my sins.  Nevertheless, I will say that Jesus has saved more souls over 2000 years after his death, than through his life.

Maybe the same will be said of Matthew Warren and what his death will mean to those suffering with mental illness.  Could this incident create a conversation for the church, social agencies and government agencies on how to serve people of faith?  What if someone learns the signs of a person anticipating suicide, intervenes and saves a life?  Maybe Matthew Warren's death will not be in vain. 

Lord, while it's hard to understand right now, I pray that you give Matthew's mom and dad some peace and understanding in this matter.  Although they serve a congregation of 20,000 people, during this time...they are broken-hearted parents.  Wrap your arms around them and hold them tight.  Let them know that we are praying for them and standing in the gap for them.  I pray that they are given and take time to grieve, because it is necessary.  Only You and Matthew know what he was going through and I pray that You were able to wipe away his tears on Friday.  I am thankful that he is no longer in pain on this side.  Help us Holy Spirit, in Jesus name, Amen!

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