Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. Matthew 5:9 (KJV)
The Hebrew word for peace is shalom; the word denotes far more than the absence of war and conflict. Shalom's basic meaning is harmony, wholeness, soundness, well-being and success in all areas of life. (1) Peace can refer to tranquility in international relationships, such as peace between warring nations. (2) It can also refer to a settled feeling within a nation, as during times of prosperity and no civil war. (3) It can be experienced as wholeness and harmony in human relationships, both inside the home and outside the home. (4) It can refer to one's personal sense of wholeness and well-being, free from anxiety and at peace within our own souls and with God. (5) Finally, even though the word shalom is not used in Genesis 1--2, shalom describes the original created world that existed in perfect harmony and wholeness. When Adam and Eve listened to the voice of the serpent and ate from the forbidden tree, their disobedience introduced sin and disrupted creation's original harmony. (The Peace of God, Article; Full Life Study Bible)
The "peacemakers" are those who have been reconciled to God. They have peace with him through the cross. They now strive by their witness and life to bring others, including their enemies, to peace with God. (Full Life Study Bible, Study Notes) In other words, the "peacemakers" got their happy back!
I remember a few years back, I went into a corner store on the east side and ran into a girl that I was classmates with in middle school. She kept staring at me so I said "hello" (it was clear she was trying to remember me). She said "you look familiar" and I responded; "yes, we went to Mohawk together". She then said, "oh yeah, you didn't like me". I chuckled and said "I liked everyone, maybe it was you that didn't like me" as I walked out the store. After all those years, this woman was still disrupted by something that quite frankly had no bearing on either of our present lives. Even if I didn't like her then (honestly never had a reason to dislike her), that was over twenty years ago...why give it life again?!? Though I didn't wrap my arms around her in a moment of prayer; I'd like to think, that on that day...I was a peacemaker!
Lord, in order for us to effectively be a witness for peace; we must first make peace within ourselves. Help us to recognize and reconcile any areas of disobedience in obedience to You. We pray peace over our children, their hearts, minds and spirits. Your word says that You will keep us in perfect peace if we keep our minds on You and trust You, so we submit our thoughts to Your will. We pray peace all around our children to scatter any confusion and disorder. Father, we know that as we walk in peace, as our children walk in peace, trials will surely come. Nevertheless, peace will rule our hearts, we will pursue peace and we will not forfeit the blessedness of peace. In Jesus name, Amen!
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