Sunday, April 14, 2013

April 14

When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.  Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”  Mark 10:14-15 (NIV)

Today in church I kept hearing what initially sounded like a child crying, and then I recognized the squeals of Allan.  The son of a good friend, confidante and someone I lovingly call "soror"; Allan has Down Syndrome and is currently non-verbal.  His mom and I are sisters in a "special kind" of sorority...The Special Needs Mommy Sorority.  I turned around to see Allan clapping his hands, squealing and reaching up towards the pulpit.  I also noticed that a few of the the folks sitting around Allan and his family had that ignorant, "what's wrong with him" stare on their faces.  Just like Jesus in the above scripture; I became "indignant"!  During our welcome time, I got up with my son who has autism and made sure that we went a few pews back to see my friend and her sweet little boy.  Allan's sister, the vivacious little Miss Vivian (who is always dressed to the nines and carries the cutest purses), was sitting there with her mommy and brother when mom says that they were waiting for pastor because Vivian wanted to be baptized.  When the time came, Miss Vivian allowed me to walk down the aisle with her, so mom could bring Allan as well, because she insisted her brother come with her!  Once down to the altar; my friends husband came down and mom and dad, got both kids prepared for baptism as I returned to my seat.  As I waited for Vivian to be baptized...out comes Allan!  You could have knocked me over with a feather!!!  For about two years now, I've imagined our son Isaac being baptized.  Every time a young man enters the baptism pool; I day that will be Isaac.  So when I seen Allan carried out, knowing that like my son he has a developmental disability...well, it was not a pretty sight on my pew.  When I learned the back story of what went on behind the pulpit with Vivian (who decided "that bath tub is TOO BIG"); I was reminded of God's sovereignty.

"Receiving the kingdom of God like a child means accepting it in a simple, humble, trustful and wholehearted manner" (Full Life Study Bible, study notes).  All along Vivian was cool, calm and confident...she was the forerunner for Allan.  I know that Allan blessed a lot of people in that church today...especially me!  As for those folk who were staring; I wouldn't be surprised if God used that moment to show them how to receive the kingdom, "...and a little child shall lead them."  In the words of my pastor, Keith A. Troy, "it's been a good day"! 

Lord, thank you for having your way in our lives today!  I thank you for the obedience of little children and I thank you for their innocence.  I thank you for the reminder that one day, we will see Isaac receive Jesus in his heart and become a "CrisSHON".  Sometimes as parents/adults we think that children do not understand or we discount their understanding of who God is in their lives.  Thank you for making it very real and plain, that we are not to "hinder" them, when you desire to hold them.  Continue to teach us through the simple, humble, trustful and wholehearted ways of our children...just like Jesus did.  It's your servant's prayer, Amen!

1 comment:

  1. I see I'm going to be 'wrecked' for a while. God's amazing and He never ceases to amaze me! LeTreese, you and I both know sis...Isaac is getting ready. I rejoice in advance for what God is doing in our respective lives. Thank you for having my back. I see the 'stares'...that's not lost on me. I trust God will bless those in their ignorance, that too as you stated God will show them love and grace. I don't hold grudges...I'm in another place in Him. Love you sis...doesn't surprise me God allowed you to be in that exact moment, time and space to walk us down. God bless you! Love, Melody
