Wednesday, April 3, 2013

April 3

Lord, I bring my child before You and ask that You would help him/her grow into a deep understanding of who You are.  Open his/her heart and bring him/her to a full knowledge of the truth about You.  (Power of a Praying Parent, Stormie Omartian)

We sent our daughter and now our son to the Gloria S. Friend Christian Academy to be educated in a Christian environment.  We attend church regularly where we are growing in the word.  We talk with our children about who God is in our lives and why we serve him.  In the words of the Baptist Church Covenant, we "maintain family and secret devotions".  All these things we do to build a foundation for our children.  However, when the rubber meets the road; the children have to grow into their own understanding of who God is and accept His word as truth.  I asked our son to tell me some things about Jesus and he gave the talking points I expected.  Deciding to press him about his thoughts, I said, "So you just believe those things because somebody told you those things?"  He replied, "No, I actually believe it because the bible never have to believe it to see it!"  Now that blessed me!!!

Jesus saith unto him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me' (John 14:6 KJV).  In this scripture, when Jesus says he is the truth; he is saying "I am he in whom the truth is summed up and impersonated".  What I like about Stormie's prayer is that she asks for our children to come into a "full knowledge of the truth" about God.  This is important because the enemy uses lies and deceit.  A lie is an outright false statement.  In order to deceive, one has to first know the truth as deceit is 'distorted truth for the purpose of misleading'.  We know that satan knows the truth from his time as the chief worship leader and being in the presence of God.  The devil doesn't discriminate in which tactic he long as he gets results.  A lot of what's ensnaring our children is deceit.  

We will not allow our children to be misled or deceived.  We believe that the Holy Spirit will reveal every deception and perversion of the truth the enemy tries to subtly slide by as acceptable.  When my son/daughter is uncertain; I thank you Lord for bringing back to his/her remembrance that You are the way, the truth and the life.  I thank You that Your word is hidden in their hearts and when that word is brought back to their remembrance, when the truth is spoken; they will not sin against that word.  We speak truth to power!  In Jesus name, Amen!

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