Tuesday, March 26, 2013

March 26

One of God's main purposes for your life is to fill you with so much of His love that it overflows onto others.  Praying for your child will not only be a sign of that love in your heart, it could also be the very means by which that love is multiplied to overflowing.  (Power of a Praying Parent, Stormie Omartian)

"Intercession may be defined as holy, believing, persevering prayer whereby someone pleads with God on behalf of another or others who desperately need God's intervention." (Article on Intercession, Full Life Study Bible). 

The 'hook' of intercessory prayer is that the recipient may need prayer, and not necessarily want it!  In this season of corporate praying parents, the reality is that some of us are dealing with children who are prepared to build houses in the wilderness.  The truth of the matter is, some of our children have gotten a taste of immorality, drugs, rebellion and everything else the enemy could plant in their path, and they're enjoying the ride.  We can't get too upset, because if we're honest, when we were in the midst of sin...we liked it too!  I've heard preachers say that the devil don't tempt you with nothing you don't like...for instance; it's easy to resist temptation from Whoopi Goldberg, but Halle Berry is another story!  So if they're gonna do what they want to do anyway; why should we even waste our blood, sweat and tears interceding on their behalf?!?!!  We put God in the same position and instead of kicking us to the curb, He sent his son.  We are reminded that "Christ Jesus, who died--more than that, who was raised to life--is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us"  Romans 8:34 (NIV).  That's love multiplied and overflowing.

Lord, every time I feel like throwing in the towel, You remind me that You didn't give up on me and therefore I can't give up on him/her.  Thank you for raising your eyebrow at my tantrum, but lovingly raising the standard in us to pray with even more determination.  Continue to fill us with Your love and continue to teach us how to parent Your children the way You parent us...never giving up!  Fill our cups with love...let them overflow.  In Jesus name, Amen!


  1. Thank you Letreese for the reminder that prayer changed me and its the only thing that will change our children! Beautiful!

    1. Having benefited from intercessory prayer during my time in the wilderness; I'm a witness that prayer works!!! Thank you for your encouragement!
